May 22, 2011 165 Days Old

May 22nd, 2011

On the 165th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. I least I think it did. I was asleep. We all slept in a little, but Erin and Maya were already up when I woke. We stayed in bed. It was a good start to a lazy day. We did not do much. I worked in the garage and Erin made a scarf. Maya slept.

Tonight we tried to keep Maya awake so that she might sleep when we wanted her too, but in true Maya style she did what she wanted. Erin tried to prop Maya up on her knee and make Maya support her head. Maya still slept. I tried to jazzersize her little arms. Maya still slept. We tickled her feet. Maya still slept. Every once in a while she would wake up enough to grouse for a bit, but then would return to her slumbering state. I have never seen such a strong willed little girl. I think that is why she is still here.