6/12/2011 185 Days Old

June 12th, 2011

On the 185th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. At least for me it did. After I woke up I discovered that Erin had been up at 9:00. Maya had been up twice during the night. Once she popped out her cannula and was very upset by the time she realized that something was wrong and woke Erin up. She still needs morphine from time to time and last night was one of those times. It does help her breathe easier, and it comforts her when she is upset.

Today Maya decided she would have an awake day, and see what she could learn. Grandma Kathy came by to take care of Maya while me and Erin got some work done on the house. She was awake for most of the day. She spent some time cuddled with grandma on the couch. She has really discovered her tongue recently, and she loves to stick it out and blow raspberries. We have been working on getting her more comfortable with tasting things. We have dipped her passifier in milk and popped it in her mouth. She has tasted crackers and cheese. She liked the crackers, but didn’t   care for the cheese. Today she got to taste fritos. She liked those. She doesn’t like to have anything in her mouth, but she will stick her tongue out for a taste, and lick her lips. She also got to taste a banana. She really liked it. As soon as it touched her lips her tongue came about as far out of her mouth as I have ever seen. It was adorable watching her lick her lips for the next few minutes.

This evening Krissie and Travis stopped by to see Maya for a bit. When they stopped by Maya was in her crib for the first time other than to take pictures. We set up Maya’s play mat in the crib while we were cleaning out her closet. It was the longest amount of time she had ever spent in her own crib.  At this point Maya was still awake as she had been for most of the day. Just after she fell into the deepest sleep I have ever seen her in. I hope she stays that way tonight. I love to see her resting so peacefully.