5/23/2011 166 Days Old

May 23rd, 2011

On the 166th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. I guess it kind of depends on when the morning began though. At 2:00 AM Maya decided that she wanted to be awake. She wasn’t cranky or upset, just awake. Erin stayed up with her for a while and then woke me up. I moved over to sleep next to Maya’s bed, and reached over to hold her hand and pat her on the back. Maya was wide awake. I tried to rock her to get her to sleep, but the attempt failed. Eventually I thought that I could go to sleep even though Maya was not and if she needed me she would wake me up. I was right. Maya could wake me up. Every time my eyes would shut Maya would start talking to me. Not crying or grousing just talking. As long as she could see my open eyes she was fine, but as soon as they would close, Maya would file her protest. It went on like that until about 4:00 this morning. The alarm clock going off at 6:00 was not a welcome sound.

While I was at work Grandma Patti took care of Maya. Maya stayed asleep most of the morning. When I got home shortly after noon Maya had her head resting on grandma’s shoulder.

There was a little bit of time in between when Grandma Patti left and Erin got home. I got to spend a few hours alone with my beautiful girl. We sat on the couch and made faces at each other for most of that time, and other than some crankiness due to diaper rash, all went well.

This evening Grandma Kathy came by for her Maya time. Maya stayed awake the whole evening. It wasn’t until after 9:00 that she fell asleep. Hopefully the lack of sleep during those hours will increase the amount of sleep during the early morning hours that Maya is so fond of.