5/18/2011 161 Days Old

May 18th, 2011

On the 161st day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Maya and Erin stayed asleep as I got ready for work. Just as I was about to leave for work I bent down to give Maya a kiss as I do every morning. This morning Maya woke up. She started making little noises and squirming. I moved her up into bed with her mamma. Maya was wide awake at this point. Erin was about as far from awake as a person can get. Maya focused her beautiful blue eyes on her sleeping mother, and let out a few coos. She would wave her right hand as she tried to arose Erin from her sleep. It was fun to watch. Maya knew that her mom lay just a few inches from her, and Maya knew that she wanted Erin’s attention. She continued, persistant as she is, for a few minutes, until Erin reached one hand over and patted her on the back. Then Maya was happy.

I could write my normal post about Grandma Patti coming over to take care of Maya, or Maya’s nutritionist, and occupational therapist visit. It would be worth writing since Maya weighed in at 10 pounds 5.5 ounces, but I wont. The important thing about today was that moment just before I left. Seeing Erin love Maya with all her might has been one of the best experiences of my life. Seeing Maya reciprocate that love in little moments like ours this morning… I can’t even describe.

2 Responses to “5/18/2011 161 Days Old”

  1. Rach on May 19, 2011 9:58 am

    I went to college with Travis, and was SO eager to read updates of Maya. Now I found this blog! Hooray! I LOVE these updates. THANK YOU!!!!!!!! We’re rooting for you, Maya!

  2. mo on May 29, 2011 11:40 pm

    Beautiful moments to treasure, my friends…thank you for sharing them with all of us! Love to you all!!!