4/15/2011 129 Days Old

April 15th, 2011

On the 129th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world I have no idea how the morning began… This is Aunt Krissie, and I’m hijacking the blog tonight :) (when you’re the one that set it up, you can do things like that hee, hee).

I have no idea how the first part of the day went. When Uncle Travis and I got here tonight, Maya was sleeping quite peacefully. I think she had been kind of cranky shortly before we arrived, but has been a sleeping beauty for the majority of the evening tonight. She’s currently getting her food, and Uncle Travis and I are chilling, it’s a nice night with our sweet niece. Although she’s sleeping, she’s not ceased to give us an over abundance of cuteness, in little half smiles that make you wonder what she’s dreaming about, and adorable stretches, and of course the heart melting pucker face accompanied by her little sucking noises that she makes when she’s sleeping.

JJ and Erin always want the focus to be on Maya, but I’m going to tell you a little bit about them tonight :).

JJ and Erin are out on a date! They are attending a formal event for Erin’s work, and Uncle Travis and I are on Maya duty. I for one am quite proud of them for going, I’ve been proud of them for many things over the last several months. It is a privilege to call them family. I am amazed at the way they have been loving and caring for Maya, and how much they sacrifice for her, but it has also been great to see them love on and care for each other through this. Maya is one lucky duck to have such incredible parents.

I’d love for everyone to write a comment to JJ and Erin, and tell them how amazing they are! I’m sure this will make them a little embarrassed and terribly uncomfortable, but that’s what sister’s are for right? I’m also certain that if Maya could talk she’d want you to do this too, she’s obviously quite fond of her mom and dad.

I wish I had a picture of them in their formal attire to post, they looked gooooood. I’d say I’ll post one later, but I’m pretty sure they won’t let me have one now. :) Ok, Maya is about done with her feeding, so I’m going to turn my attention back to her. I love being this little girl’s aunt!

9 Responses to “4/15/2011 129 Days Old”

  1. Patti Buhler on April 15, 2011 10:31 pm

    JJ and Erin, you two work better together than any couple I’ve ever seen. You do a great job with Maya and always know what to do. Love you both! – Mom

  2. Leslie Randle on April 15, 2011 11:12 pm

    I know Patti through quilting, that’s how I found your blog. I read it every night before bed. (I guess that means I’m a stalker.)

    I think you two are amazing, as is beautiful Maya. You have blessed my life.

    I’m praying for you all.

  3. Leah on April 15, 2011 11:32 pm

    JJ and Erin,

    I know we don’t know each other that well, but I have been following this blog and I am good buddies with Krissie, so I get the scoop. :)

    Your love for Maya in one word, “beautiful.” This blog has been a wonderful testament of your love for each other and for your daughter. You are touching many people I am sure…namely ‘me’ in more ways than you know.

    Praying for you often!

  4. Sharon on April 16, 2011 8:11 am

    JJ and Erin, you two are incredible parents! When God gave you this special little girl He knew that he was giving Maya to the best people in the world to care for her. You have not only cared for Maya so well but have show grace to all of us who have wanted to take part and help out in this special little girl’s life.

    I love you all!


  5. Grandma Chris on April 16, 2011 10:31 am

    Thank you Krissie for taking over the blog and writing so beautifully about Maya’s amazing parents. We couldn’t agree more. An angel in a baby suit can only be entrusted to very special parents and Maya got the best.

    Lots of love
    Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris

  6. Lori and Chris on April 16, 2011 8:11 pm

    You never know how strong and beautiful a couple is until you see them with a baby. Maya has to be the luckiest gal I know! Erin and JJ you are so caring and wonderful. We love you all!

  7. phyl vincent on April 16, 2011 11:55 pm

    you are the most fantastic parents ever hope your nite out was great love you

  8. Angie on April 17, 2011 4:44 pm

    I had the privilege of helping these beautiful people on the day sweet
    Maya made her debut. An emotional day but even that very hard day
    you could feel the love this couple and their entire family had for this beautiful
    girl. She is a gift … but her parents are also God’s gift to her! They are
    making a difference in my life for certain and I know MANY other lives
    Maya and her parents are touching as well. Love to you ALL! You ARE amazing!

  9. Rhonda on April 17, 2011 10:34 pm

    Erin and JJ,
    I have nothing but praise for the two of you. Your strength is a true testiment to your faith and love for one another. I am so BLESSED to know both of you. Maya is one of the luckiest little girls in the world. The two of you encourage me each and every day. God has a purpose for everything in life; and you are an inspiration as to how we are to live each and every day to its fullest. Thank you for friendship and for being the great parents to such a precious gift from God.
    Love you!
