3/30/2011 113 Days Old

March 30th, 2011

On the 113th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. I moved Maya from her bed into mine and Erin’s before I left for work. They were fast asleep when I left. When I got home Maya and Grandma Patti were on the couch. Maya was awake, but not for long. She was wearing a new outfit today. She now fits into many of the 0-3 size clothes that up until now had remained lonely in the closet. She is also controlling her temperature better than last week and we are able to put her into some long sleeved and long  legged outfits. Before dinner she got a bath, and now she is in another new outfit. That sure makes mom happy. I think she looks cutest in just a diaper, but these new clothes are nice too.

Tonight it was just the three of us. We ate dinner together, I played guitar for Maya, and we watched a little TV. Today has been a mommy day for Maya. She let grandma know all day long that she just wanted her mom. Erin would hold her and calm her down, but she did have to work. I’m sure it was hard for her to get her work done, but I think she probably enjoyed being needed by her little girl. I wish I could have seen it.

As I began to write this post Maya was a little cranky. She just went through two diapers in about ten minutes, and she is not always a fan of diaper changes. Erin was holding her and trying to comfort her when I turned on some music. I started to play my new Keb’ Mo’ CD. From the moment the first chord was strummed Maya stopped squaking and calmed down. I guess she likes her music. I don’t mind that a bit. It makes me feel connected to her somehow. On days like today we absolutely know that she is my daughter, and Erin is her mom.

One Response to “3/30/2011 113 Days Old”

  1. Jackie Gilbert on March 31, 2011 4:32 pm

    I have been following Maya for a while now, and am awed by your little angel. I became acquainted with her through her grandma Patti – we are on a long arm quilting group together.
    I start each day by checking your blog to see how your day has gone. I love seeing how family is so important to each of you. You are in my thoughts and prayers!
    Love the pics!