3/28/2011 111 Days Old

March 28th, 2011

On the 111th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Erin had to work this morning so I was on my own taking care of Maya for a few hours. After Erin left Maya did not want to go back to sleep. I stayed up with her until Grandma Patti got here to help out. After which I took a three hour nap. It was nice. Luckily I didn’t miss a thing Maya slept the whole time.

It was a good day. Maya has not had any cranky spells today. She did spit up and get a little chokey twice, but she recovered quickly. She has been awake all evening. Grandpa Greg came by after work to see her. Grandma Kathy came by and made us dinner. We got some good Maya time in tonight. We tried tummy time for a while. She did not repeat her newest trick. On saturday durring tummy time she rolled over for the first time. We layed her down on her belly and she pulled her knees up under her and through her head to the side until she was lying on her side. It was a big milestone. Today she was not interested in doing it herself tonight. She figured if she waited long enough I would turn her back over. She was right. I guess we will just have to be ok with her best skill being diaper assassination.