3/21/2011 104 Days Old

March 21st, 2011

On the 104th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. I ended up having one more day of spring break due to my work schedule. I woke up early to see Erin off this morning. Maya is so beautiful when she is sleeping. When I pick her up from her deep sleep she squints her eyes closed even tighter and puckers her lips. She then reaches both fists up to her face and lets out a whine before drifting back to sleep in her new found comfy spot.

Grandma Patti came by to help take care of Maya today. Maya had a pretty good day. She did urp up a little bit and need some suction to clear her throat, but other than that she did well. The weather has gotten warm here and we had to put Maya in a tank top onesie. It is the green polka dot one from yesterdays blog. In the afternoon it gets a little to warm in the house and I have to wake her up every hour or so and turn her over to her other side. Her down side tends to get sweaty and sticky, so changing it up helps her stay cool. She passed her afternoon on the couch. Sometimes awake but mostly asleep.

This evening Grandma Kathy came by and brought us dinner. After dinner we loaded Maya up in her stroller and went for a walk. I don’t think she liked it much. She wasn’t too cranky, but she is not a fan of the wind or the sun. Even though Maya probably would have preferred staying on the couch it was good to get her out into the world a little bit. She is wide awake now, and is enjoying the company of her mother. We are listening to Mumford and Sons and relaxing on the couch. In case you haven’t noticed are couch is getting pretty well used now. Maya has her favorite spot staked out, and she always calls seat back.