3/20/2011 103 Days Old

March 20th, 2011

On the 103nd day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Erin had woke up with Maya for her 5:30 feeding. She moved Maya into bed with us and we were able to rearrange a bit and fit all three of us in our little bed. We slept like that through the morning hours.

This afternoon we took turns watching Maya while the other ran errands. It was good to get some alone time. First just Dad, and then just Mom. It was a beautiful afternoon and we were able to open the windows and let Maya smell the breeze as it made its’ way from the front of our house out the back windows. We past the time like this all afternoon. With Maya’s recent health needs it was a needed pick me up. We have been stressed over the past few days. Maya is still doing well, but she is struggling more than ever before. It is hard to see her go through her struggles, but today we got to leave those behind for a little while. She still had her difficult episodes, but we were able to get through them.

This evening Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris brought us some dinner from our favorite mexican restaurant. We ate our food as Erin held Maya. Maya had gotten hot earlier and we had striped her down to her diaper. She is so cute snuggling against Erin in nothing but a diaper. It is also amazing how much bigger she had gotten over the last 3 months. She has chub-a-lubs now. Little rolls of chub.

We both return to work tomorrow. Neither of us is looking forward to tomorrow, but we will get through. We will rely on our family to help care for Maya and we will keep going with a new found energy from our beautiful day with the most beautiful girl in the history of the world.

3 Responses to “3/20/2011 103 Days Old”

  1. Lisa on March 20, 2011 9:17 pm

    Check school email. I think you have tomorrow off according to what Jami emailed out, it isn’t one of your days.

  2. Kay Cooper on March 21, 2011 11:45 am

    She is a sweetheart and is getting big. Glad you have had this past week to be with her.

  3. sarah on March 21, 2011 4:19 pm

    I love how she’s looking up to you in this picture! Here’s to more days like this one!