2/22/2011 77 Days Old

February 22nd, 2011

On the 77th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. She stayed asleep through her 5:30 feeding before I headed off to work. While I was out today Maya had a visit from Michelle. She got to have a little Maya time and help Erin for a bit.  Maya was very chatty today and exploring a lot with her eyes. This afternoon Maya’s nurse came by to look at Maya. We have spent the last two weeks thinking that Maya was in congestive heart failure. When Janet listened to her lungs to day she could not hear a crackle. Her chest congestion must have been caused by her vaccinations and not her heart. These last two days have been fantastic. Maya has been awake and active for large periods of time throughout the last two days. We are so happy that our beautiful little girl is doing better. Getting to see her blue eyes searching around the room and learning more about her world is so special to us. Today the worst thing that we had to deal with was a diaper assassination. It was a bath worthy event. Lost in the crossfire were a onesie and an outfit. We will try to revive them with some oxyclean.