1/8/2011 32 Days Old

January 9th, 2011

On the 32th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Maya was not in her usual spot in the arms of a family member on the couch, she was in her bed next to mom in our room. We got her sat monitor yesterday and she spent the early hours of the morning sleeping next to us. She had one apnea over night that lasted for a short time. It was the first time since her first night home that she slept with us in our room. We were proud parents. Not proud of her though we always are, but proud of ourselves for taking care of her by ourselves for at least a short time over night.

Today was a celebration day. We had too many people over to list and ate cake to celebrate Maya’s one month birthday. The house was as full as it can be. We caught up, and talked about how much bigger Maya is than when she first came home. She thought the cake was delicious, but made some comment about it going straight to her hips.

In the evening KC, Michelle and family stayed over so that I could nap. Maya’s cousins watched Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, and Alladin. Esther held Maya for most of the time.

It was a good day in the Allen house.

2 Responses to “1/8/2011 32 Days Old”

  1. Jawanda Mast on January 9, 2011 10:50 pm

    My daughter Rachel is one of Mr. Allen’s students at Scarborough. I love reading your blog about Maya. She is beautiful. I celebrate the joy of her life with you. Thank you for sharing your very personal story with all of us.

  2. stephanie on January 10, 2011 3:13 am

    Happy 1st month birthday Maya!

    We have been praying for you and your family this past month and will continue to do so. I personally think you and your parents are the bravest people.

    We love you even though we have never met. Your life has impacted mine and will continue to impact even more people than you and your mom and dad can even imagine.

    You are loved, sweet Maya! You are dearly loved and treasured.

    Many more happy birthdays to you!