1/30/2011 54 Days Old

January 30th, 2011

On the 54th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. We slept in this morning. We stayed in bed until noon, taking turns holding Maya. She was a little cranky last night, but not to bad. We all got enough sleep last night so we  just enjoyed our peaceful morning, staying in bed until long after the sun came up. At noon we got up and took care of some things around the house. Maya decided this afternoon that she didn’t want to be in her bed. She just wanted to be held. At one point we put her down on her boppy for some tummy time. She pulled her head up and turned to me as if to say. What the hack is this about. It’s your job to hold my head up. This is too much work.

Later in the afternoon Maya got a bath. She decided she would let us know that she wasn’t happy and periodically let out a yell. She is getting baths more often now due to her uncanny ability to out do her diaper. I’m thinking of inventing a diaper shaped like overalls. Maybe then at least her onesies would stay clean.

Tonight we ate dinner with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris. They are taking turns now patting Maya on the back. It was a nice day. We watched movies and just hung out most of the time. The tea kettle is warming up and Maya is sleeping. Hopefully her day wasn’t too restful. She does need to sleep tonight.

One Response to “1/30/2011 54 Days Old”

  1. Aaron on January 30, 2011 8:47 pm

    I think JJ should stop giving Maya tea at bedtime… that’s probably why she can’t sleep. Good going JJ, maybe try decaf at least.