1/26/2011 50 Days Old

January 26th, 2011

On the 50th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Maya stayed asleep in her bed as I prepared her morning milk. She had no apneas last night. That didn’t stop her from raising a stink from 10:00 till 1:00, much to the dismay of Erin’s beauty sleep. Eventually she fell asleep in her bed and Erin and I got some much needed rest.

While I was at work Grandma Patti and Kristi came by to visit Maya. Maya also had a visit from her occupational therapist. Maya is doing well with her exercizes. Her fingers are loosening up and so are her hips. Durring the visit Maya did some tummy time. Erin proped her up on the boppy and let her explore a new way of laying down. She does really well lifting her head up off of the boppy and looking around.

When I got home Maya and grandma were cuddled up in the rocking chair. This evening Grandma Kathy came over to see Maya and eat dinner with us. After dinner Maya got a bath. She doesn’t fit in her pink bucket anymore. She was promoted to bathing in the kitchen sink. She even has a little underwater hammock. She still doesn’t like bathing. Now we are sitting on the couch and watching basketball. It is 8:00 and almost bed time. I never thought that I would ever look forward to going to sleep at 9:00. Oh how parenthood changes people.

One Response to “1/26/2011 50 Days Old”

  1. Patti Buhler (Grandma) on January 27, 2011 8:43 pm

    Kristi made the onesy for Maya. Cute shirt, Kristi!