1/25/2011 49 Days Old

January 25th, 2011

On the 49th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. I woke up at 5:30 to feed Maya before I headed to work. Maya had 2 apneas last night. One at 12:45 and another 15 minutes later. They both lasted for 4 minutes and as always we held her and comforted her as she came back to us. Sleep did not come easy after that. Her early morning feeding went well. She has become quite the grouser. During every feeding she squirms and cries a little. She has developed some digestive problems over the past few days, and when she is not feeling well she lets everyone know about it.

While I was at work Maya had a visit from Michelle. At 2:15 Maya had her third apnea of the day. It was just like the others and lasted for 4 minutes. It happened just before Mayas scheduled nurse visit. The nurse checked Maya’s vitals and Maya is doing well. As far as we know Maya’s apneas have not taken a toll on her. She seems so fragile when we think about her but she actually is very strong. She is resilient, and keeps battling back.

When I got home at 4:30 Maya and Erin were asleep on the couch. They say when the baby is sleeping mom should be sleeping. I think thats is a great idea. I love seeing the two of them sleeping. When they wake up they both scrunch up their foreheads while craning their neck back and stretching. It must be hereditary.

Tonight we ate dinner with Grandpa Bob. We are watching some basketball now. Maya and Bob are snuggled in the rocking chair. We are hoping for a restful night.

3 Responses to “1/25/2011 49 Days Old”

  1. Sharon on January 25, 2011 9:03 pm

    I love to check in and see how Maya and all of you are doing. She has gotten so big since I saw her – it has been over a month ago now!

    To comment on an earlier post you made – your children do make you wise and Maya being a special girl has given you both the gift of great wisdom. Savor the moments, hours and days and don’t worry about the things of life that really don’t matter.

    Please give Maya a kiss from her favorite great aunt Sharon!

  2. Christine on January 25, 2011 9:51 pm

    I hope Maya’s tummy feels better soon. Prayers for a quiet, restful night for you & your beautiful girl.

  3. Daneille on January 26, 2011 10:53 am

    I really enjoy reading about Maya..I share this with Koy and Kortney.. You are all in our prayers daily. Hugs and may your day be peaceful.