1/19/2011 43 Days Old

January 19th, 2011

On the 43rd day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. I woke up at 6:00 and fed Maya as she slept in her bed. She had slept through most of the night. Most but not all of the night. She tends to get really cranky around her 11:30 feeding every night. She squirms and cries until her tummy is full and then drifts off to sleep. When I left the house shortly after 7:00 Maya and Erin were still snoozing peacefully. Grandma Patti would be by later in the day to help take care of Maya and let Erin catch up on her sleep.

Todd, Lisa and Hallie came by for a visit today.  Lisa commented about how small Maya is, but to us she is huge.  Compared to the day we brought her home she seems so big even though she is still is smaller than most newborns.

My journey back to Maya after work was a little longer than usual. The snow had started to come down at noon, and was increasing by the time that I was driving home. It was the wrong time to be on the road. My drive home to see Maya that normally lasts for 25 minutes took an hour and a half. I was dissapointed that I had lost so much time that I could have spent with my girl until I learned that school tomorrow was canceled. I get to spend a day that I was scheduled to work at home shut into the house with my girls. It more than makes up for the extra hour that I had spent behind the wheel trying to get home.

This evening KC brought by Thai Place for dinner. After dinner I sat down with Maya on the couch. She has started to really like laying on her side with her check and nosed pressed into my arm. At times she sleeps that way, but she will also crane her neck back just enough that she can peer out over my arm and keep an eye on things. She is also starting to use her hands more and more every day. She often reaches out to feel her suroundings grabbing whatever she finds, and feeling it before she lets go to search for something else. She is making sense of her world.

4 Responses to “1/19/2011 43 Days Old”

  1. Christine on January 20, 2011 3:19 am

    Today’s photo is just precious! I’m glad Maya had a good day. She is really an extraordinary little girl.

  2. Gramma Kathy on January 20, 2011 4:33 am

    I sure wish I could have gotten there tonight. Glad JJ made it home OK and will have the day off tomorrow. Thanks for emailing the picture. Just needed to see her!! Love you lots. Maya is getting soooo big!!

  3. Uncle Art & Aunt Carolyn on January 20, 2011 11:39 pm

    It’s late here in Arizona but we wanted to check in on Maya before settling in for the night. Blessings to all. Our prayers continue.

  4. Morgan on January 21, 2011 9:37 pm

    AHHHH!!! I LOOOOOVE it when they make the “OHHHHH” face! UGH! Chris asked if I was gonna make it over this weekend since he’s gonna be working, but I’m just thinking I should give myself one more week to make sure all this gunk is out of my system…I NEED some baby-lovin’ time!! LOVE YOU ALL!!