1/18/2011 42 Days Old

January 19th, 2011

On the 42nd day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Today would be my first day back to work. I woke up for Maya’s 5:30 Feeding. I got to spend a half an hour with her as she ate before I had to get ready for the day. Leaving this morning was tough. I thought I would never make it out the door, but eventually I made it to the car and headed to work.

Maya had no apneas during the day. All in all it was an uneventful day.

When I got home Maya and Erin were waiting for me on the couch. I could see them through the front window as I pulled into the driveway. Maya was awake and exploring her surroundings. Her blue eyes were wide open and moving around the room. I gave her a kiss on her wonderfully kissable forehead causing her to blink her eyes squirm and attempt to look straight up placing two wrinkles across her forehead. The looking up wrinkles are not nearly a distinct now that her face has filled out, but they are still one of my favorite things to see.

Tonight we ate dinner with Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris. Grandpa and Maya are napping in the rocking chair. Maya had a good day. Erin was able to take care of her through the day with some help from Michelle. It makes it much easier to head off to work when I know that my girls will be well taken care of. Our family has been so much help over the last 42 days. I am greatful that so many of us still live in town. I guess it really does take a village.

One Response to “1/18/2011 42 Days Old”

  1. Grandma Chris on January 19, 2011 4:25 am

    We love visiting Maya, holding her and cuddling with her. Yes it often leads to a little nap, but my naps with Maya are the most peaceful. Love you little Dolce Nea.