7/23/2011 226 Days Old

July 23rd, 2011

On the 226th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world…as promised, photos of the most beautiful girl.

Sleeping like a big girl on the sofa.

My daddy does rock... me to sleep.

We forgot to load a 7 month onesie pic...oops :)

Dorothy's  got nothing on Maya. We love the little red slippers.

Dorothy’s got nothing on Maya. We love the little red slippers.

2 Responses to “7/23/2011 226 Days Old”

  1. Lisa on July 23, 2011 9:52 pm

    All of those great pictures make up for forgetting to post. She is so beautiful and I love the red slippers!

  2. angie on July 26, 2011 11:29 pm

    I absolutely love these pictures! Thanks for letting us come get snuggles in with miss Maya. It was wonderful!! And of course great to chat with you guys :)
    Give her another squeeze from me. Hope you get a bit of rest soon.