7/17/2011 220 Days Old

July 17th, 2011

On the 220th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Maya had been up several times through the night again. We were able to take turns staying up with her. She would stay calm for a little chunks of time as long as she was being held, so we past the night that way. I wish I could tell you how Maya is doing, but I just don’t know.

Maya stayed asleep for most of the day today. She did wake up several times with the most pitiful cry I have ever heard. She seemed to be working really hard to breathe today. Erin and I are both scared right now. We don’t know what is happening. We think that it has been too long since her shot for her to still be feeling the side effects, but we can’t explain or understand how she is doing any other way.

She is still the most beautiful girl. Maya has spent about 18 out of the last 24 hours in one of our arms. It makes for a long night, but we don’t tire of holding her. We are just hoping that her struggle eases soon. It is hard to see her so tired. I wish I could express better how she is doing. I think that I would like to know just as much as all of you. I have no idea whether this is a small blip and Maya will amaze us once again, or wether it is more serious. I do know that we will continue to value every day that we have with her for as long as we can.

2 Responses to “7/17/2011 220 Days Old”

  1. Mandy Ward on July 18, 2011 12:39 am

    You’re wonderful parents. Prayers for you and Maya!!

  2. Aunt Krissie on July 18, 2011 10:08 am

    Love you guys, and love her. I wish I could tell you how she is doing, but since I can’t know that Travis and I are, as always, praying.