6/20/2011 193 Days Old

June 20th, 2011

On the 193rd day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. The overnight however was not so peaceful. Maya was really congested last night. She would go to sleep, but every ten minutes or so she would wake up with a stuffy nose. For most babies that would be fine they would breathe through their mouths and sleep all night. The problem that occurs when Maya breathes through her mouth is that she doesn’t get the benefit of her oxygen. She spent most of the night breathing very hard to keep up. When she gets in that state her face loses color and her lips turn a bit blue. At 2:00 she was struggling so bad that we decided to suction her nose. The regular suction couldn’t clear any thing out, so we had to go to the deep suction. To get her clear we had to insert a catheter up her nose and down her throat and the apply suction as we pull out the catheter. Even after all that Maya still had trouble breathing. After she got calmed down from the event her breathing eased and she slept well.

Today was quite the opposite of last night. Maya was awake for much of the day, and her cheeks were nice and rosy. We got to do her exercises, and hang out on the couch. This evening Grandma Kathy came by for dinner and after dinner Juliana came by. Maya was a happy cuddly baby tonight. She likes to sleep with her check smashed into the chest of whoever is holding her. Her and Erin make a cute pair nestled into the couch. We are about to suction Maya’s nose again in hopes that we wont have to later tonight. Hopefully the suction will make things easy on her and we  can catch up on our sleep.