6/19/2011 192 Days Old

June 19th, 2011

On the 192nd day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Maya stayed asleep through most of her 5:30 feeding. She woke up to grouse just a little bit. I held her for a few minutes and was able to get her back to sleep so that I could sleep in.

Since today was father’s day, Erin made me breakfast this morning. We got to spend a relaxing morning at home before loading Maya up in the car and heading to Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris’s house. Maya did well with the trip. As always we loaded up about everything that Maya could possibly need. Most of it we didn’t use. We did forget the boppie again. It is the thing that we use the most with Maya, and we always seem to forget it. Other than that we had every thing we needed to spend the day with Erin’s dad.

We are back home safe and sound now. Maya is very tired and is sleeping on Erin. It was a good father’s day. I got to spend plenty of time with my beautiful daughter.

***Erin here,  I just wanted to write a few words about JJ now since it is Father’s day.  I love to see the man I love become a father.  He is an amazing dad. He loves our Maya so much. He loves to do her exercises with her. I think she is as far in her development as she is because of him.  He say it because he gets bored, but I think he knows she can do more so he works with her more.  He is protective of her too.  I have fell in love with him more over the last 6+ months.

One Response to “6/19/2011 192 Days Old”

  1. Sharon on June 20, 2011 8:44 am

    Erin, thank you for writing such beautiful words about JJ. I think you both are amazing parents! It is wonderful to hear that you are growing closer through caring for beautiful Maya!

    I pray often for the three of you. May God bless you all.
