5/17/2011 160 Days Old

May 17th, 2011

On the 160th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Erin had to work today, so I was at home with Maya. We moved out to the couch at 7:00. Maya woke up at about 7:30. I sat her up in her bounce bounce while I practiced guitar. I think she likes to hear me play. She doesn’t say much, but I think she likes it.

Around lunch time David came by to hang out. It was a good day. Maya did very well. She is still pretty tired from her congestion, but she needed very little suctioning today. She also did not need any tylenol or morphine today. I hope that means that she is getting over whatever it was.

Tonight Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris came over for dinner. We had carnita tacos. Maya sat in her bounce bounce on the table, and ate her dinner at the same time. It was a good day today. The weather was perfect. I got plenty of quality time with my baby girl.

Photo caption… Dad dressed her (third outfit of the day) and thought of me (mom) when he selected the last outfit. I thought it was super cute :)

2 Responses to “5/17/2011 160 Days Old”

  1. Gramma Kathy on May 17, 2011 9:54 pm

    Just the cutest little fingers and hands in the world! God Bless Little Miss Maya!


    Gramma Kathy

  2. Sharon on May 18, 2011 8:25 am

    Yes, it is a super cute outfit! And look at that hair! Is it red?

    Maya’s favorite great aunt Sharon