4/26/2011 140 Days Old

April 26th, 2011

On the 140th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. I got to stay asleep as Erin took care of Maya’s 5:30 feeding. It was just me and Maya until 11:00. We had a good time. We stayed in bed until 10:00 and then watched some TV on the couch. Michelle came by at 11:00 so that I could got get a hair cut. Maya was in good spirits today. She slept a lot. After Michelle had left at about 2:00 Maya had the worst craptastrophe I have ever seen. There was very little left in the diaper. She did have some in her arm pit, on her back, and in her hair. Lost in the battle were a yellow dress, and blanket, 3 changing pads, a burp rag, half a box of wet wipes, and a couch cushion.

This evening I had to go in to work. Krissie came by to fill the gap between me leaving for work and Erin getting home from work. Grandpa Bob and Grandma Chris came by later to eat dinner with us. Maya is getting a bath now. She is not enjoying it.

It has been a good day for Maya. She got a little cranky a few times, but nothing to serious. She has been awake and happy for some time today. She has gotten really good at holding up her head. Earlier tonight she was laying on grandma’s shoulder when all of the sudden her head was up and she was looking around the room. We love these little moments. She has to fight so hard to stay with us that there is not much energy left to do all of the normal baby development stuff. So these moments are very important to us. They are Maya’s milestones. I wonder what she will be able to do tomorrow.

One Response to “4/26/2011 140 Days Old”

  1. David Shirey on April 27, 2011 11:07 am

    JJ and Erin, Just want you both to know that I have followed Maya’s blog from Phoenix with much gratitude and admiration. Thank you for sharing the story of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world with so many of us. David Shirey