2/21/2011 76 Days Old

February 21st, 2011

On the 76th day in the life of the most beautiful girl in the history of the world the morning began peacefully. Today was presidents day and I did not have to work. Thank you John Adams. I think we should thank him more. Everybody remembers George, and Abe, sometimes Thomas, but never John.

The day at home today was great. We stayed in bed and passed Maya back and forth all morning. She had a good night last night. She woke up hungry at 4:45 but there was no painful crying and writhing, just normal baby stuff. A great night turned into a great day. This afternoon Grandma Kathy came by. She had presidents day off as well. Soon after Grandma got here Maya woke up. She woke up and opened her eyes wide. We got to see her beautiful baby blues all afternoon. Maya and grandma read a book.  Maya intently watched the animals on the page.  Grandma swears she recognized the puppies.  She stayed awake through dinner time. It was the longest I have ever seen her awake.

Grandma left early tonight, and we sat down to dinner just the three of us. It felt great. It was like we were just a normal family. No special needs, no worrying about life and death. Just a new family and diner and TV.

One Response to “2/21/2011 76 Days Old”

  1. Lori (ff) on February 22, 2011 7:59 am

    She is so beautiful!!